Bishop Stang honor society holds Rock-a-thon food drive
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The National Honor Society chapter at Bishop Stang. Source: Bishop Stang High School

Students pack canned food into boxes for the pantries.
The members of Bishop Stang’s St. Teresa Trayers, SND chapter of the National Honor Society held their annual Rock-a-thon Food Drive on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 29 and 30. The event’s been hosted at the school since 1999.
The donation drive gathered non-perishable food for the area’s food banks. The school-wide event benefits the Shepherd’s Pantry in Acushnet, St. Anthony’s of Padua Church Food Pantry, Damien’s Place in Wareham, Citizens for Citizens in Fall River, St. Mary’s Food Pantry in Taunton, UMass Dartmouth Campus Ministry and the Solanus Casey (Catholic Social Services) Pantry both in New Bedford. Last year, a total of 10,121 pounds of food were collected. The school could not beat their overall record, but smashed last year’s collection by 921 pounds.
The students and faculty were able to donate 11,041 pounds of food to the seven different food pantries.