Rediscover Catholic Schools
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” ~ Romans 12:2
The National Catholic Education Association indicates that “the goal of Catholic schools has always been to prepare future generations to be compassionate, creative and collaborative. It is important that we find ways to offer the best of Catholic education while maintaining pace with global trends if we expect our campuses to thrive and prepare our students for the world that they will inheriti.”
Catholic schools are well-known for incorporating morality based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ into every aspect of a school. “Faith and character development has been the heart of Catholic school education since their inception, and remains an essential complement to academic developmentii.”
While the advantages of Catholic schools have been widely known for decades, the recent pandemic has led many families to experience these benefits for the first time.
Recently published research about the “Catholic School Advantageiii” concludes that:
- Black and Latinos who attend Catholic schools are more likely to graduate from both high school and college than their peers from public schools.
- “Multiply disadvantaged” children particularly benefit from Catholic schools.
- The achievement gap between races and income groups are smaller in faith-based schools.
- Students in Catholic schools demonstrate higher academic achievement than similar students in district-run schools.
In many urban and inner city settings, it is the presence of Catholic schools that service some of the most underserved students and families. In the Diocese of Fall River:
- 32% of our elementary school students are eligible for free or reduced lunch.
- Almost 50% of urban elementary students receive financial assistance.
- 60% of urban high school students receive financial assistance.
All of our Catholic schools strive to make Catholic education affordable – do not let cost get in the way!
- Over $1 million in scholarships were awarded to over 900 elementary school students in 2024-25 at an average scholarship of $1050.
- Needs-based awards range from $250-$2750 per student and can cover up to 50% of tuition, depending upon the school.
- Over $2.7 million in financial aid was awarded to high school families.
We are very optimistic about the future of Catholic education in the Diocese of Fall River, and our Catholic schools are ready to welcome you into their family.
Now is the time to consider a different option….
Your nearest Catholic school!
iiCatholic School Renaissance, A Wise Giver’s Guide to Strengthening a National Asset, Andy Smarick and Kelly Robson, 2015, The Philanthropy Roundtable